Social media content about cyberbullying – group work

The project participants had to divide into four groups, each of which had to choose the main topic of their work and then design content on that topic for social media. Two groups chose the topic of violence. One of the groups focused specifically on cyberbullying. They created a campaign that can be promoted through stories on Instagram or Facebook, where people involved in such topics can be tagged, thus allowing the campaign to be spread on a larger scale.

Below you can find some informations about cyberbullying.

What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is a form of aggression that spreads in the online space. It manifests itself in various ways such as offensive comments, threats, gossip and manipulation. The highest concentration of this type of violence can be found on social media platforms, internet forums, or messaging apps. Dealing with cyberbullying is certainly not easy but necessary because we cannot allow any form of violence to be accepted; therefore, it must be countered.