Social media content about feminism – group work

The participants of the project had to divide into four groups, each of which had to choose a main topic for their work, and then design content on that topic for social media. One of the groups chose the topic of feminism. Participants of the project had to divide into four groups, each of which had to choose the main theme of their work and then design content on this topic for social media. One of the groups chose the topic of feminism. They designed a marketing campaign aimed at raising awareness about feminism among the audience. The campaign was created in a way that is accessible to everyone, so that everyone can look at feminism from a new perspective and learn more about it. Controversial illustrations were used to attract the viewer’s attention to such an important topic.

Below you will find some information about feminism.

What is feminism?

Feminism is a social movement and ideology striving for gender equality in all aspects of life, including political, economic, and social realms. It is perceived diversely: for many, it represents a crucial step towards social justice, while others may misinterpret it as a pursuit of female dominance over males. Feminism is important because it combats systemic inequalities and discrimination that still affect women worldwide. It promotes equal pay for equal work, equal educational opportunities, and the prevention of violence against women. The movement also seeks to acknowledge the diversity of experiences, recognizing how gender intersects with other identities such as race or sexual orientation. Through feminism, societies become more aware of the need for equality and justice, leading to the creation of more inclusive and fair social structures.